Schriftzug Pablo Miro creador de canciones - hier klicken, um zur Startseite zu gelangen


Pablo Miró is a songwriter, composer, singer, guitarist and multi-instrumentalist grounded in the tradition of Argentine folk music, as well as a composer of children’s songs and a tango musician. Pablo is regarded as one of the great talents of the new Argentine music generation, one of his country’s top newcomers, who has succeeded in updating traditional music using modern music and sound techniques.

Pablo is rooted in two cultures, that of South America and of Germany and sings in both Spanish and German. That is reflected not only in his fluency in both languages but also in his musical diversity and originality, the result of his constant quest in both musical worlds. Pablo’s creativity draws on the enormous musical richness of southern South America and the tremendous energy of the many different rhythms (chacarera, chamamé, bossa nova, candombe, bahuala), as well as the composition techniques of classical music, the finely woven harmony of impressionism, jazz or bossa nova. All of these elements can be heard in his music, and yet he creates something new and unique: Pablo sounds like Pablo. This is not a musical sound created by chance but, rather, the result of a long search for his own sound, his own voice and his own words.

Pablo Miró focuses on the essential. His aim is to convey - as intensively, passionately and expressively as possible - his infectious zest for life, his hope for a world marked by solidarity, his anger and indignation about social inequalities and his poetic and philosophical perception of everyday life, of love and of everything that is magical. This, and only this, gives his music and concerts meaning.

Pablo sees his music, lyrics and instrumental pieces as a powerful tool to show us and himself the way to a more beautiful, happier and fairer life where solidarity plays a greater role, a life which is more intensive and truer, freer, more sensual and even wilder.

His concerts are unique, refreshing, provocative and intimate, rich in diversity and instrumental virtuosity, marked by his powerful and expressive voice.


1961: Born in Córdoba, Argentina
1967: First moved to Germany (Bietigheim, then Neuss).
1971: Pablo returned with his parents to Argentina (Neuquén).
1973: Began to learn to play the guitar.
1976: The military putsch in Argentina forced Pablo and his family to flee. They returned to Germany and settled in Herford. He continued to learn guitar at Herford music school.
1978: Pablo founded “Canto Libre“ and embarked on his first small concert tours around towns and villages in North Rhine-Westphalia. His first compositions and songs became well-known and the local press took note of the project.
1981: First major concert with “Canto Libre“ in the auditorium at Friedrich grammar school in Herford
1981-84: Pablo continued to study the guitar at the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, Florence, Italy. His music was very much influenced by the Italian cantautori during these years, especially Pino Daniele and Lucio Dalla. Pablo gave solo concerts around Toscana and northern Italy and played on many occasions at concerts during the “Feste dell’Unitá“.
1984: After the fall of the military dictatorship, Pablo returned to Córdoba, Argentina.
1985-90: Pablo studied composition at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. His first major open-air concert together with Santiago Feliú, one of the most renowned Cuban songwriters, attracted 4000 spectators.
1991-2010: Pablo lived in Buenos Aires. His first tours abroad took him to Chile and Uruguay.
1997: First European tour, first open air concert together with Victor Heredia at the Anfiteatro Arturo Illia del Paseo de la Costa, Buenos Aires.
2001: Pablo’s first CD, “Luz Bengala“, a mixture of folk, jazz and pop, was released. Liliana Herrero, who has carried on the legacy of Mercedes Sosa, and Manolo Juarez, one of the greatest Argentine live musicians, are some of the artists who contributed to this CD. The music press was full of praise and declared Pablo Miró to be one of Argentina’s most important newcomers. Numerous Luz Bengala concerts within Argentina and in neighbouring countries followed.
2004: Luz Bengala was recorded in full length for Argentine TV and broadcast repeatedly until the end of the year.
2006:”Mágico”, Pablo’s second work, was released. The 14 compositions combined electronic elements and bossa nova with ethnic rhythms and structures. The premiere took place in the sold-out concert hall in Palermo Hollywood in Buenos Aires.
2007: On 2 November, he started his tour of Mexico in EL Zócalo, Mexico City, as part of the Festival de la Palabra.
2008: Third European tour
2009: Three further tours took Pablo to various European countries, as well as Mexico, Uruguay and Bolivia.
2010: Pablo’s third CD, "Vidas", was released. Twelve true stories – biographies which Pablo immortalized in song. Pablo was keen to dedicate this CD to these unknown, anonymous but heroic people and to pay tribute to the example they had set. This was Pablo’s first CD with just the guitar. “I wanted a CD with no frills which sounds just like my solo concerts. Just like my songs sound when I write them in my kitchen and rehearse”, explained Pablo. His first bilingual CD of children’s songs “Lieder zum Naschen” was released the same year.
2011–2012: Long concert tours from Palermo, Sicily (The Brass Group Foundation) to Berlin. In 2011, Pablo founded “TanGoTán”, his first tango project.
Pablo is currently working on his first German CD and on his second CD of children’s songs, “Lieder zum Lachen”. He is planning many concerts and tours, including his first visits to Scandanavia.